Tingkatkan Citasi dan Pengakuan Internasional!

call for

Presentasikan Paper di Forum Internasional dan Raih Kesempatan Nyata untuk publikasi di prosiding terindex + jurnal internasional bereputasi.


Tema : ”Transformation Towards The 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda: Multidisciplinary Approaches”


Anda juga bisa terhubung dengan para peneliti dari berbagai negara di dunia!

Bidang Studi

  • Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia
  • Imunologi
  • Hukum
  • Manajemen Bencana
  • Forensik
  • Ilmu Kepolisian
  • Industri Kreatif
  • Analisis Data
  • Pemberdayaan Perempuan
  • Ekonomi Kesehatan
  • Penciptaan Usaha
  • Administrasi Kependudukan
  • Pembangunan Berkelanjutan
  • Kewirausahaan
  • Ilmu Manajemen
  • Ilmu Sosial

Bidang Studi

  • Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia
  • Imunologi
  • Hukum
  • Manajemen Bencana
  • Forensik
  • Ilmu Kepolisian
  • Industri Kreatif
  • Analisis Data
  • Pemberdayaan Perempuan
  • Ekonomi Kesehatan
  • Penciptaan Usaha
  • Administrasi Kependudukan
  • Pembangunan Berkelanjutan
  • Kewirausahaan
  • Ilmu Manajemen
  • Ilmu Sosial

International Conference of Postgraduate School (ICPS) 2024!

Gabung dan dapatkan kesempatan mempresentasikan hasil penelitian Anda di panggung dunia
dan terbitkan karya di jurnal internasional bereputasi.

Paparkan Penelitian Anda

Presentasikan riset Anda di hadapan komunitas ilmiah global dan dapatkan umpan balik dari para ahli.

Publikasi Internasional

Semua makalah yang diterima akan dipublikasikan dalam Seri Prosiding Konferensi RSF dan berpotensi mendapatkan rekomendasi ke jurnal internasional bereputasi terindeks di SCOPUS/WOS/ Google Scholar.

Global Networking

Jalin hubungan dengan peneliti, praktisi, dan pembuat kebijakan dari seluruh dunia untuk peluang kolaborasi dan proyek lebih lanjut.

Daftarkan diri Anda sekarang dan jadilah bagian dari transformasi global melalui riset berkualitas!

Timeline International Conference of Postgraduate School (ICPS) 2024

CONFERENCE PAPER Submission Deadline:

Payment Confirmation Deadline:

Conference Date:

EXTENDED Paper Revision for Journal Deadline:

Conference Chair:

Prof. Dr. Mas Rahmah, S.H., M.H., LL.M

Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia

Keynote Speakers:

Prof. Iman Harymawan, SE., MBA., Ph.D.

Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia

Prof. Sunil John, M.Phil. LL.M. Ph.D.

Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia

Prof. Gadaf Rexhepi

Manipal Law School, India

Prof. Wann-Yih Wu

South East European University, North Macedonia

Prof. Shambhu Prasad Chakrabarty

Nanhua University, Taiwan

Assoc. Prof.Dr. Ana Penteado

University of Engineering & Management, Kolkata, India

Invited Plenary Speakers:

Dr. Ir. Airlangga Hartarto, M.B.A., M.M.T., IPU.

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs

H. Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono, M.Sc., M.PA., M.A.

Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/ Head of the National Land Agency

Prof. Suahasil Nazara, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D.

Vice Minister of Finance

Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti S.T., M.SI., M.Eng., Ph.D.

Deputy Minister for Economic Affairs Ministry of National Development Planning/ Bappenas – Acting Chief Statistician of BPS Statistics Indonesia

Kenapa Harus Mengikuti International Conference of Postgraduate School (ICPS) 2024?

Semua proses pengiriman naskah makalah/ penelitian hanya akan dilakukan melalui “Research Synergy System” (https://www.researchsynergysystem.com/) : untuk monitor progres submission hingga akhir secara real-time.

Semua penelitian akan mendapatkan eksposur internasional dan umpan balik ilmiah dari para akademisi dari berbagai negara selama konferensi berlangsung.

Kesempatan dan proyek ilmiah akan ditawarkan hanya untuk peserta yang bergabung dalam konferensi.

Tergabung dalam komunitas peneliti dunia akan meningkatkan keterampilan.

Semua Penelitian Konferensi yang diterima akan diterbitkan dalam Seri Prosiding Konferensi RSF oleh Research Synergy Press dengan ISSN, nomor DOI, dan terindeks di Google Scholar.

Makalah lengkap dan versi extend yang memenuhi syarat akan mendapat rekomendasikan dan peluang publikasi di jurnal internasional bereputasi terindeks di SCOPUS/WOS/Google Scholar.

Keseruan International Conference of Postgraduate School (ICPS) 2024

Jenis Partisipasi & Biaya Konferensi


USD 250

Makalah tambahan

USD 125

Peserta yang hadir di lokasi

USD 125

Penyaji Virtual/

USD 175

Peserta Virtual



The review process will take approximately 7 to 10 working days.

You will receive the article decision (accepted/ accepted with revision/ rejected) from the official email of the conference committee right after the review process is completed. Please check your email at the inbox/ spam folder.

No. Sometimes our announcement goes to your SPAM folder due to email restriction. If you already submitted your article and passed 14 working days, please check the email (inbox and spam folder) and your scholarvein account to check the progress. You can always check and monitor (independently) your registration status anytime by login to your Scholarvein account. Please find and click the menu on the left screen entitled: “Registration Status” then “Main Paper.” Your current stage or status of registration will be displayed there.

You need to login to your Scholarvein account ( http://www.scholarvein.com/process/index.php/Main/Login ) to continue the registration process.

  1. You need to make a payment for registration fee (you can do it via online or offline). The payment instruction and detail for online/ offline are clearly informed in your LOA at the second page.
  2. Please upload the proof/ receipt of your payment transaction by uploading the receipt in the menu “Payment Confirmation” (left side of your Scholarvein followed event dashboard). If you are not uploading the receipt, we can not change/ move your status to the next step.
  3. Waiting Scholarvein admin to check your payment and approve it in the system. You can always track your status in your account.
  4. After the admin approves your payment status, you can upload your full paper for journal publication. You can submit/upload full paper by login to your Scholarvein account and select the “Upload” menu under your Followed Event dashboard. Please upload 2 types of full paper: 1) Complete full paper, and 2) Blind full paper without author details. All the full paper uploaded MUST follow the template required in the conference website.
  5. Upload your presentation file by login to your Scholarvein account and select the “PowerPoint Presentation” menu in your Followed Event dashboard. Maximum size of file upload is 20 MB.
  6. Finally, the committee will give the journal recommendations that suit your paper quality and context based on the rigorous scientific review process. You can always check your publication progress by login to your Scholarvein account and select the “Publication” menu under your Followed Event dashboard. 

Yes, you have. There is no need to pay anything before you receive the notification of acceptance of your article/ LOA. Please be noticed; if we do not receive your payment confirmation at the latest deadline (maximum 20 days before the conference date), then we will exclude your participation in the conference. Moreover, you can NOT upload your full paper for journal publication if the payment has not yet been made.

You can always check and monitor (independently) your registration status anytime by login to your Scholarvein account. Please find and click the menu on the left screen entitled: “Download”. You can download all conference documents needed including LOA, invoice, review result in that menu independently.

No, it doesn’t. The registration fee is non-refundable, and it includes charges for conference participation only. Please refer to the conference website in page/ menu “Registration Page” to see the complete information, and it’s facilities.

The publication timeline already stated on the conference website at the homepage section. Moreover, it depends on the journal publication schedule and the scientific process. But the author no need to worry because you can check your publication status by login to your Scholarvein account in the left menu entitled: “Publication.”

The quality of your article takes a vital role to be published in Scopus Journal. There will be a rigorous scientific review process to decide the journal recommendation that suits your article/ paper.

You can always check and monitor (independently) your registration status anytime by login to your Scholarvein account. Please find and click the menu on the left screen entitled: “Registration Status” then “Main Paper.” Your current stage or status of registration will be displayed there.

No. Sometimes our announcement goes to your SPAM folder due to email restriction. If you already submitted your manuscript and passed 7 working days, please check the email (inbox and spam folder) and your scholarvein account to check the progress. You can download your plagiarism check result by login to your Scholarvein account, then click the menu on the left screen entitled: “Download”.

International Conference of UNAIR Postgraduate School (ICPS) 2024!

Enhance Your International Citation and Recognition!

call for

Present your research paper at an international forum and gain a vivid opportunity to publish it at indexed conference proceeding and a reputable international journal.

“Transformation Towards The 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda: Multidisciplinary Approaches”


Get connected with notable researchers and experts from various countries.

Bidang Studi

  • Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia
  • Imunologi
  • Hukum
  • Manajemen Bencana
  • Forensik
  • Ilmu Kepolisian
  • Industri Kreatif
  • Analisis Data
  • Pemberdayaan Perempuan
  • Ekonomi Kesehatan
  • Penciptaan Usaha
  • Administrasi Kependudukan
  • Pembangunan Berkelanjutan
  • Kewirausahaan
  • Ilmu Manajemen
  • Ilmu Sosial

Field of Study Discussion

  • Human Resource Management
  • Immunology
  • Law
  • Disaster Management
  • Forensics
  • Police Science
  • Creative Industry
  • Data Analytic
  • Women Empowerment
  • Health Economics
  • Venture Creation
  • Population Administration
  • Sustainable Development
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Management Science
  • Social Science

Get to Know

Join us and seize the opportunity to present your research on a global audience.

Present Your Research

to a global scientific community and receive expert feedback.

International Publication

All accepted papers will be published in the RSF Conference Proceedings Series and have the potential to be recommended for submission to reputable international journals indexed in SCOPUS/WOS/Google Scholar.

Global Networking

Network with researchers, practitioners, and policymakers from around the world for collaboration opportunities and future projects.

Register now and be a part of the global research community!

Timeline International Conference of Postgraduate School (ICPS) 2024

CONFERENCE PAPER Submission Deadline:

Payment Confirmation Deadline:

Conference Date:

EXTENDED Paper Revision for Journal Deadline:

Conference Chair:

Prof. Dr. Mas Rahmah, S.H., M.H., LL.M

Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia

Keynote Speakers:

Prof. Iman Harymawan, SE., MBA., Ph.D.

Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia

Prof. Sunil John, M.Phil. LL.M. Ph.D.

Manipal Law School, India

Prof. Gadaf Rexhepi

South East European University, North Macedonia

Prof. Wann-Yih Wu

National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

Prof. Shambhu Prasad Chakrabarty

University of Engineering & Management, Kolkata, India

Assoc. Prof.Dr. Ana Penteado

The University of Notre Dame Australia

Invited Plenary Speakers:

Dr. Ir. Airlangga Hartarto, M.B.A., M.M.T., IPU.

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs

H. Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono, M.Sc., M.PA., M.A.

Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/ Head of the National Land Agency

Prof. Suahasil Nazara, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D.

Vice Minister of Finance

Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti S.T., M.SI., M.Eng., Ph.D.

Deputy Minister for Economic Affairs Ministry of National Development Planning/ Bappenas – Acting Chief Statistician of BPS Statistics Indonesia

Why Attend the International Conference of Postgraduate School (ICPS) 2024?

This conference offers two publication outcomes in a single event, along with academic experience and opportunities on the international stage.

All manuscript/research paper submissions will ONLY be conducted through the "Research Synergy System" (https://www.researchsynergysystem.com/): to monitor submission progress in real-time until completion.

All research will gain international exposure and receive scientific feedback from academics from various countries during the conference. Scientific opportunities and projects will be offered exclusively to participants who join the conference.

Joining the global research community will enhance your skills. All accepted conference research will be published in the RSF Conference Proceedings Series by Research Synergy Press with ISSN, DOI numbers, and indexed in Google Scholar.

Eligible full papers and extended versions will be recommended for publication in reputable international journals indexed in SCOPUS/WOS/Google Scholar.

The Excitement of the International Conference of Postgraduate School (ICPS) 2024!

Conference Fee

Onsite Presenter/ Paper

USD 250

Additional Paper

USD 125

Onsite Attendee

USD 125

Virtual Presenter/ Paper

USD 175

Virtual Attendee



The review process will take approximately 7 to 10 working days.

You will receive the article decision (accepted/ accepted with revision/ rejected) from the official email of the conference committee right after the review process is completed. Please check your email at the inbox/ spam folder.

No. Sometimes our announcement goes to your SPAM folder due to email restriction. If you already submitted your article and passed 14 working days, please check the email (inbox and spam folder) and your scholarvein account to check the progress. You can always check and monitor (independently) your registration status anytime by login to your Scholarvein account. Please find and click the menu on the left screen entitled: “Registration Status” then “Main Paper.” Your current stage or status of registration will be displayed there.

You need to login to your Scholarvein account ( http://www.scholarvein.com/process/index.php/Main/Login ) to continue the registration process.

  1. You need to make a payment for registration fee (you can do it via online or offline). The payment instruction and detail for online/ offline are clearly informed in your LOA at the second page.
  2. Please upload the proof/ receipt of your payment transaction by uploading the receipt in the menu “Payment Confirmation” (left side of your Scholarvein followed event dashboard). If you are not uploading the receipt, we can not change/ move your status to the next step.
  3. Waiting Scholarvein admin to check your payment and approve it in the system. You can always track your status in your account.
  4. After the admin approves your payment status, you can upload your full paper for journal publication. You can submit/upload full paper by login to your Scholarvein account and select the “Upload” menu under your Followed Event dashboard. Please upload 2 types of full paper: 1) Complete full paper, and 2) Blind full paper without author details. All the full paper uploaded MUST follow the template required in the conference website.
  5. Upload your presentation file by login to your Scholarvein account and select the “PowerPoint Presentation” menu in your Followed Event dashboard. Maximum size of file upload is 20 MB.
  6. Finally, the committee will give the journal recommendations that suit your paper quality and context based on the rigorous scientific review process. You can always check your publication progress by login to your Scholarvein account and select the “Publication” menu under your Followed Event dashboard. 

Yes, you have. There is no need to pay anything before you receive the notification of acceptance of your article/ LOA. Please be noticed; if we do not receive your payment confirmation at the latest deadline (maximum 20 days before the conference date), then we will exclude your participation in the conference. Moreover, you can NOT upload your full paper for journal publication if the payment has not yet been made.

You can always check and monitor (independently) your registration status anytime by login to your Scholarvein account. Please find and click the menu on the left screen entitled: “Download”. You can download all conference documents needed including LOA, invoice, review result in that menu independently.

No, it doesn’t. The registration fee is non-refundable, and it includes charges for conference participation only. Please refer to the conference website in page/ menu “Registration Page” to see the complete information, and it’s facilities.

The publication timeline already stated on the conference website at the homepage section. Moreover, it depends on the journal publication schedule and the scientific process. But the author no need to worry because you can check your publication status by login to your Scholarvein account in the left menu entitled: “Publication.”

The quality of your article takes a vital role to be published in Scopus Journal. There will be a rigorous scientific review process to decide the journal recommendation that suits your article/ paper.

You can always check and monitor (independently) your registration status anytime by login to your Scholarvein account. Please find and click the menu on the left screen entitled: “Registration Status” then “Main Paper.” Your current stage or status of registration will be displayed there.

No. Sometimes our announcement goes to your SPAM folder due to email restriction. If you already submitted your manuscript and passed 7 working days, please check the email (inbox and spam folder) and your scholarvein account to check the progress. You can download your plagiarism check result by login to your Scholarvein account, then click the menu on the left screen entitled: “Download”.


International Conference of Postgraduate School (ICPS) 2024!


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